Wednesday, May 24, 2006

85% cocoa and Caramel

There was a tiny bit of chocolate in a baggie in the freezer. It probably fell out when they had to remove the doors to move the fridge. It's so bitter that few humans like it, but Carmelita loved it. It is her custom to take her treats and rawhides and eat them on the couch, she did likewise with the chocolate, which she lay on and therefore had a chest full of melted choco and not a bit of a guilty face.We were worried about a possible toxic reaction but apparently she has the constitution of a goat. Yesterday she stole my lunch, spicy hummus on crackers; this AM she stole my cheeseandbread twice! And we were worried that she was too skinny. Poor baby is used to living out of garbage cans and stealing food.
Today is another gorgeous day and taking Coral's advice, I'm running away but only as far as the dentist.(Hooray, I get the car!) I'm lucky in that despite the inherent horror, the office is a warm nurturing family affair and I really love the people there.
Jerry the contractor brought me some yellow Asiatic lillies and some day lillies too, from his garden for me to plant in mine, which I can't get to easily anymore, but it was sweet of him. Jerry is Italian, Martin is Guatemalan, Roberto is Colombian, the new electrician is Romanian, the old one is Haitian and they all speak their native tongues. I have a great op to use my crappy language skills. Evidently, going to Israel and trying to learn Hebrew drove all the Spanish out of my head. Que lastima! I gotta get some fun out of all this. This is all making us crazy, I lay in bed at night with dimensions running in a loop in my head (and a color chart in the background). I'm glad for the stuff I've read and all the "this old houses" I watched. At least I know what they are talking about, otherwise my head would explode. We certainly do have a lot of house problems, ours is old and decrepit and my Mom's can't be sold. Seems someone would want a house by the beach. C'est dommage.
I'm too nutso to read the paper (!!!!) but I do scan the headlines. (ugh) Today's semed like deja vu until I realized they delivered yesterday's paper again. The universe is really doin' a number on me. I feel like Ingrid Bergman in "Gaslight".
Everything is in the wrong place Steve( the Charles Boyer character) and the crew keep moving stuff and Caramel moves my stuff all the time, esp shoes. I can never find my slippers. Believe me when I tell you that I don't need help in the befuddlement department. Hey! That's a good name for a blog.


Anonymous said...

Well you are definately the only person I know who loves their dentist. I am so glad I will get to be a moving part of your house scrabling! I love to read your blog. So who ever knew you were some great writer??????Carmelita sounds so adorable. I can't wait to meet her. LOVE AND LOLIPOPS

Bebe said...

Ai Mami! I can't wait to see you and have 10 minutes of hugs and kisses!

JBlue said...

Carmelita sounds like my cat. He will eat anything. Of course, it comes back up later, but he never remembers that.

"Befuddlement Department." That would be a good blog name!