Friday, January 20, 2006


Photo, at Joels: Steve, (and my Bro, on right) with Joel's beauteous, delicious and super-wimpy pups, Bugzee and Holly. I'm sorry we didn't get better shots of the tree; the house was like Xmas central. ( I love that stuff)

So I went to a new doctor yesterday, his uncommon name seemed familiar so I asked about it. Turns out his Dad went to my High School (the 6 degrees of Brooklyn) but graduated about 20 years before me. Did that little squeak think I was his father's age? I'm very sensitive about age these days, probably cause I've been immersed in death and illness, but also because the I've reached the age were it seems like my aging has accelerated and it ain't happening gracefully! Not Steve tho, how cute is he?

So we are going to Florida, where the old go. I need to water my plants before our trip and that will take most of the day, so I'd better hie. We will depart secure in the knowledge that the Vatican has approved the teaching of science, the news of which will hardly have an impact in Florida, which is I believe, a non-Catholic, religious right theocratic state ruled by a scion of the Bush
( referred to elsewhere as the "shrub").

I will exchange coats, scarves and gloves for gators, birds and manatees. The land has been screwed and their politics suck (you must read Carl Hiaasen- so evilly funny) but it's so beautiful and so full or flora and fauna, I go a little nuts there.I'll bring everyone back a shell!

In my short absence would like to direct your attention to blogs I like but who's links I cannot seem to add:
"Out of the blue" and "Is America burning?" They will do the kvetching while I'm gone.
Also, go to Sarah's blog (link below) for her incredible pix of my grandniece, the amazing Chicken Butt, who just turned 10!

This space will be still for a while, but my heart will not. Do you know the Warren Zevon song, Keep me in your heart for a while? He wrote it while he was dying. It's beautiful and sad and comforting. My heart is heavy lately. Florida and my old friends will lighten it. And I'm comforting myself by thinking of names for our new pets, whenever and whoever they might be.

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