Friday, January 20, 2006

All you lurkers!

While I’m gone this is for you –  it’s from Moxie:

It's Delurking Week this week. So if you read me, please leave a comment to let me know.

A Public Service Announcement for people who read and comment on or blogs:

If you want to leave a comment, but don't want anyone who clicks on your name to be able to see your email address, put your real email in the "Email Address" box and a fake URL* in the "URL" box. Anything you put in the URL box is what people see when they hover over your name, so they won't know what your email address is. However, the owner of the blog can see your real email address and reply to you.

If you don't want to leave your real email address because you're a troll, well then carry on as you have been already.

*You can make up a URL, or just use something obvious, like or

Moxie: Delurking Week.


Granny said...

Hi Bebe

Thanks for your comment to on isamericaburning. We'd be happy to add you to our blogroll.

"worried"'s email is on the sidebar. Mine is on the blog connected to my url but it's certainly no secret.

The two of us are great-grannies trying to make a difference. It's nice to know we aren't just talking to each other.

Granny said...

"your comment on" (one too many prepositions there)

Julia said...

Hi Bebe, have a great trip to Florida and enjoy the gators!

JBlue said...

Have a nice trip, Bebe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara!
Hope you had a great time in Florida. We are moved and living in cardboard boxes in a 1 Bedroom apartment!!! Keep my eye on prize.
Thanks for all of you and Steve's help along the way. We will miss you two!
Loved reading your thoughts here, keep the wisdom flowing and the mind free in these united states of amerikkka.

Chriss (former neighbor)

Anonymous said...

Hi there, have a great holiday.
