Friday, February 16, 2007

Is it spring yet?

It's come to my attention that I have been inattentive herewith. Believe you me no one wanted to hear from me lately. It's too cold- the weather is too severe. Too many days of high winds and temps in the teens have rendered me weak, dull, boring, uninteresting, grumpy and dyspeptic.
We were all excited cause Morgana was coming for a short visit but the weather gods decided the first storm of the year should be Valentine's day and all flights were canceled and so, her trip. We are way disappointed. We were both looking forward to her California sunshine.
Caramel hates the cold but she really likes the snow. At the playground today, which is covered with hard crust snow, she saw her buddy Nitro ( who looks like her but at twice the size) and met a new puppy named Suki. They had a grand time chasing each other over the ice and stealing each others sticks while us humans waited, freezing our asses off. Praises to the inventor of synthetic fleece!
I can't believe how Congress is dragging it's feet over an Iraq resolution. Politicians suck. And Guiliani is running for president, seriously? That would be several steps closer to a police state.
And why the hell is Anna Nicole Smith so famous and when will we stop hearing about her?
Bah, media!


Anonymous said...

I'm not even going to tell you that it's 80 degrees here because that would be mean.
I think I speak for all your loyal fans when I say it is GREAT to have you back. Keep writing please. Thank you for the b-day wishes. B-day activities were terrific. This Sunday is the small memorial gathering.
My love to S. and C.
An Enduring Reader.
City of angles

Anonymous said...

You are back. Hooray. I missed you and your writings. I love you and S and C. Say hello to left coaster for me.