Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bad mood and thing in the news.

Yeah, I'm in a bad mood and only mocking will help. Apparently, I have something called Sjorgren's Syndrome, which is bad enough but I went webside to research it and was horrified to find it under "Shogun's" Doesn't anyone care about spelling anymore?
Now that the Iraq study group has released it's findings (the war is a big mistake-what a surprise!) there should be a Congressional study group to discover why virtually ALL our elected officials elected to go to Iraq in the first place for no damn good reason.
The Times ran an article about e-mail "sign-offs" last week. A woman responded in a letter to the editor that she considered the salutation "Peace" insipid and meaningless. I would like to beat the crap out of her.
And from today, Stranger than fiction:
According to the town's Islamic court, residents of Bulo Burto, Somalia who do not pray 5 times a day will be beheaded, starting this Saturday. Pray or die!
An Israeli businessman who made his fortune in Internet gambling sites is offering $1billion to the Palestinian Prime Minister for a peasce accord with Israel. He is offering $100 million just for a sit-down with The Israeli PM. He says, "the killing must be stopped". That's putting his money where is mouth is.
Padua, became the first Italian city to allow homosexuals and unmarried couples to register formally as families, thus pissing off the Vatican. I would wif-ed weathily in Padua!
There was a particularly annoying article about people who spend upwards of $100 apiece to bring their 2 and 3 year olds to the theatre, a great place for toddlers, with the opportunity to sit quietly for 2 hours! What a pleasure for the rest of the audience.
Eech, we rented Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and actually couldn't finish watching that interminable dreck. Why are bad movies so long?
And why did this typeface change for no reason? Grrrr.


Anonymous said...

Taking your toddler to the theatre, are you out of your mind? The idea of Theatre in my mind is a grown up evening out!! Yes, somethimes I behave well in public!

Anonymous said...

.I have no idea what just happened. I had a witty reply. I had an optomistic twirl on it all
I looked up and it was gone!!!!!!!!!!!1
I want to know more about this new difficult to pronounce and obscure syndrom. I do believe you will not get anything else cause let's face've had your share already. I love youM