Nelson, our wood guy didn't show. I called, he said he forgot about me. Nice.
The cleaner showed but had a bit of an attitude.I must have imagined all those tissues.(If you know me even a little, you know that tissues are a recurring theme, a leitmtoif as it were, in my life.)
I was going to bitch and complain today but I am actually too blue to work up much outrage. Feh, I'm sad and disgusted and overwhelmed. Hey, that's bitching, as opposed to bitchin' which is another story. I just realized that today is 2 years since I broke my wrist. The date, rain and the 9 screws in my arm reminded me. Long story short: Earlier that day, wake for a friend. That night, bad sidewalk, very dark street, I tripped and I flew. I achieved a 4 point landing on each hand, my left knee and the right side of my head. We sued the rat bastards and they settled just last week, for less, my lawyer said, then we could have gotten. But I don't care. I just want to be done with it. It was horrible. Twilight Zone horrible. Two years ago, so much has happened. Unbelievably, Steve got flak at work because left to pick me up from the hospital. He told them to take the job and shove it which was lucky cause I couldn't walk for several weeks and needed someone to bathe, groom, walk, feed, and take me to hand therapy. HISTORICAL NOTE: It was during this time that Steve, sole practioner and master of the kitchen, honed his technique and went from very good cook to great cook. He intoxicated me with culinary treats and I had to ask myself, why the heck should I do what he does so well? It is only the novelty and enticement of my new kitchen that has lured me back into cooking. That, and I"m the only one who knows where anything is. Location of equipment is subject to change!
So A friend in Israel sent an email about the Cosmic Trigger event. Here, the gist of it:
All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity,healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on.
If you have any to spare, send them out to my lovely friend and ex-neighbor who would do anything for anybody, Anne-Marie. She was recently and suddenly dx'd with lymphoma. Here she is with my darling Peanut, who used to hang out in my backyard before they moved away.
Supress those negative thoughts.
Send out the love, folks.
Think thoughts of peace and joy.
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