Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Open up: From the Stone to the Space Age

Recently in Pakistan, a discovery of ancient remains revealed that the Neolithiths practiced dentistry, or dontistry as it were. Evidence of 9000 year-old teeth showed signs of drilling, done with stone tools. Just writing these words make my molars ache.
Flash ahead to the 21st century! Yesterday, I had my gums scraped and cut yet I had no needles! Believe it or not! They have this new gizmo where the anaesthesia is spritzed between the spaces, then under the gums. No pain, no needle prick that goes right up into your brain, no numbness that lasts for hours. Hooray! The nitrous gas played a role as well. We are all hoping that the tooth in question is happy too and goes back to not beng noticed.
While I was so engaged, Sarah and niecette came up and took the Carmelita to the park where love was shared. Sarah had a date with 2 lovely blogger friends so we decided to invite ourselves along and suggested a restaurant nearby, previously referred to in this space as the one-you-can't-get-to-from here. We were enjoying our salads when the owner came over to apologize: for some reason the sprinkler system went on, ruining our meals and shutting off the gas.
I'm thinking of a career in writing restaurant recommendations.
Caramelita is quite popular in the nabe, and has a posse of kids literally draped all over her and the front stoop every time we are out. Dogs and kids: priceless.
Thinking BostonLegal would be on TV, we watched the horrible end of that Moses movie. I saw the Ten commandments in 1956 at the age of 7 and it scared the hell out of me; death of the first-born, angel of death, you know. But this one was unbelievably violent and ugly and it made me wonder if Hallmark was doing a "Passion of the Christ" style version of Exodus. And to quote Sarah, that dude was no Charlton Heston.
Someone made a reference to the TV show American Idol and the irony of Moses' struggle with the people to give up their idol worship, and lo these many years, all America is into Idol worship.

FYI: the diety if the day is the Spiderwoman!


Anonymous said...

It was great to meet you!!

Now, I know where you live (so to speak, Internet-wise).


Granny said...

We taped if on both nights - total waste of time. One of the girls likes the Biblical epics but this was neither.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I will be invited to see the dog

Anonymous said...

My sweetie, so sorry the creepy fibro-monster got you. I am still underwater here. No not flooded except for my poor brain that needs a ray of sun so I can continue. I think of you in the park with the Carmelita....BLISS!!! I realized I better say something who I am if I am going to be known as "anonymous" when I leave a comment.. Spider-Grandmother is a Native American manifestation of the creatrix of ALL...I planted a spider plant in her honor yesterday. I want to see if I can get that new tooth treatment seeing as I make at least 10 trips to the dentist every year and have been looseing a tooth a year for the last 6 years. Greyed-Out Artist Lady From West Turtle Island