Tuesday, February 14, 2006

when snowflakes fall, I wish you love

Happy Valentine's day to all! I am back in the land of the living, purified by snow and rejuvenated by cats. We went to Fla to escape from death, but it was waiting at home. How could I forget all those sci-fi stories? No matter, nothing is more life-affirming than shoveling 2 feet of snow and then snuggling in for a few days of TV and eating bad stuff. On Sun, UPN aired 5 Voyagers in a row!!! It was a gift from the television gods. We rented "The Brothers Grimm" which should have been a lot better. But the details were amazing and I enjoyed it very much. I do love Terry Gilliam, whatever. Anyhow, the City did a pretty good job with snow removal, for a change. It costs NYC one million dollars for every an inch of snow. It's a whiter shade of pale.
For comic relief we had Buster and Frannie (real names: Spencer and Kate), my cousins' cats with us for 10 days. They both have long hair, are devious, bold, too fuzzy, demanding, curious, and adorable. It was great to have cats in the house and we are thinking about getting another one and a woofie dog too. I am partial to black cats and jellico cats and big shlumpy black dogs, but for the sake of practicality we will look for a portable, medium size dog that does not shed, drool, require grooming, require long runs and most importantly, is a rescued dog.My dreams are full of cats and dogs.

Florida was fabulous, here are the shells I promised.
We drove north from Tampa to Weeki Watchee, stayed with Camille and JR at the incredible house on the river that they built most of. We saw manatees! Then south for a few days in Bonita Springs, (astounding birds) across the Everglades (alligators!) to Miami Beach, (botox ladies!!) then up to Coral Gables (New Yawkers!)to stay with Ruthie and Tex, who turned 60! Of course we were treated like royality, cooked for and fed to bursting, but it was all the hugs and kisses and togetherness that made it great. I know Camille for almost 30 years, and Tex almost 40. The story of Tex and Ruthie is a good one, but for it's for another day.
Below, JR, me and Camille are on the left,Tex, Ruthie and Stinx are on the right, but not politically, which reminds me, how funny is Dick? Is it not delicious that the Republicans are having trouble with quail/Quayle again?


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

Allow me to make an unsolicited suggestion for breed of dog: the bichon frise. They do require a small amount of brushing, but they are hypoallergenic and shed hardly at all. They are medium-to-small and quite portable. Here is a link to a Bichon rescue organization:


My best friend's mother is involved in bichon rescue, and I've come to love the little white fluffy things. :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. I have been worried about you for a while.