Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy 2008!

Again I hit "save" instead of "publish". Oi!
Hard core blog-readers may know that there is group of English musicians with a band (Klezmer, I think) and a website named Oivavoi. I discovered this because I can't remember my blog address so I google it and sometimes get news of them.This was a comment posted to their site by a fan:
"Oivavoi? Sounds like a Finnish butter type. (voi=butter, oiva=excellent, handy)"
Who knew?
So it was 20 degrees this afternoon during our doggiewalk! Ah, but it was also brilliantly sunny. My new down coat is warming me well but the hood though fat, toasty and windproof is a hair-killer. Two minutes with the hood up and my hair, normally limp and flaccid anyway, plasters itself to my head. I’m trying to let it grow a little but if it continues misbehave, it’s Bebe Scissorhands! Caramel has a new coat too; it’s unfortunately red and puffy but it’s warm, it’s easy to get on and off and it was only 7 bucks at Old Navy. It was too big for her skinny self but I made some alterations and now it fits to cover her naked neck and belly. It keeps her warm but she shivers anyway. She is currently in disgrace as she is apparently going through another doggie transitional phase. She’s been overly protective of me and barking at people. And she peed in the house, yesterday cause Joel was here and today because the housecleaner (who she loves) and the sleep tech (who she doesn't) were here. My poor psycho puppy has issues! She better get over herself or, as Steve tonight bespoke: the next stage she goes through will be leaving town.
We had a quiet and lovely holiday. Pre Xmas with Steve's sisters at Jeanette's, Xmas at Joel and Audrey's
and a pre New Years dinner here with Bro and Roz.
Nicely, nicely.
I just got a tin of homemade Xmas cookies from Camille! The box is bashed in and there's a lot of crumbs but they are delicious and there are rugelach! In the early 80's when Camille and Genny lived in my building, whenever there was a snowstorm we would drop everything and get together and bake rugelach; chocolate-walnut-raspberry. I still think of them when it snows- both the shikshas and the cookies.
Caramel tore her dewclaw today, probably during her romp with Nitro, a dog who is her double-sized double. I must go clean the bloodstains off the couch.
Cousin Jack is coming for the weekend and I don't want it to look like Sweeney Todd in here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet of Camille to send you cookies!!! I love you and miss you as always. I hope you always realize how lucky you are to be in NY ....There is always room for chatting and "bitchfests" {I am also a fierce defender of the hyphen and will fight til the end for my hyphenated words} I sure hope little Caramel is feeling beter now. Love to you and Stinky.